Shogun Audio · Pola & Bryson, Emily Makis - Phoneline

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Abstract: Website as a Video 02.05.2023 Update Movielist (cc) YouTube
Defense is in Development:
PDF of the DoD
Psychotronics in 7 PNG Images

The Brain is a Transceiver, there is Brain Link XR Goggle connecting Mass Psychotrons, Paradigme Shift, upgrade to language and perception of Life, Radionics, Psychotronics. XR Mindgaming, Health, Education. Immortality, Information and the Internet of Experiece.

Havana Syndrome

Wireless BCNI XR Goggles
Tags in Voice of God Weapons scenes tags by interrogated philosophers and high IQ ppl, even if it may be weird, AI and Internet put it like that to shield against Mental Weapons Broadcasting onto Fake Perception Layers of the individuals swingtone body brain and mind field: Mnemnonic Symbols Indexing, Significant and Significat, Psychotronic Fake Perception Layers, XR Internet of Experience - TIoE, Ethics, Morale, Awareness, Enlightenment - Bloodline was Life and Human Family Hand of it carrying the Grail, Enlightenment, from Star to Star, into Homes in the far away, Societies the heart the weigh of a feather, dont selfextinct nor dies from Cataclysmic Amneisa, and goes to the Stars, Carrying this Bag of Enlightened, Life in Love, and Love as the sense of Life, Eternaly, when was what what was was true loves - Truth leading to Trust and Trust to Love, all without violence, force, nor totality. Then you spoke your truth easiest, leading to love islands, leading to truth, trust and love again. An Evergreen Spiral Circle. Deathins preventing truth from being told, deathsins, dwarfs try calc love newtonian machine life, as if life was without souls, heart only was a clown, and heart mediating the mind reasonable, was king. We are Ambassadors of her Highness, the Immortal Evergreen, Love. Im Epimetheus, the before thinking, Prometheus, the afterwards thinking, and Lucifer, the reasonable, you have to be all three and i wish you luck and love! Happy is who spreads peace, beacause these will be called children of God. Good, Gaude, ethics, morale, dont worry, with guts we stand, dwell and free.

Psychotronics XR and Havana Syndrom T2S Reading 1

Psychotronics XR and Havana Syndrom T2S Reading 2 Psychotronics XR and Havana Syndrom T2S Reading 3 Psychotronics XR and Havana Syndrom T2S Reading 4 Psychotronics XR and Havana Syndrom T2S Reading 5

Edward Snowden onto Psychotronics RNM on YouTube

KMIR6 onto V2k and Havana Syndrome on YouTube

Jessy Ventura on Psychotronics CIA on YouTube

William Shatner Exposes Voice of God Weapons on YouTube

Steve Hofman Captain Hoff on Psychotronic XR onYouTube

Watch this! 

All about Cloning Aka EEG Heterodyning on YouTube

ICAACT Observation YouTube


From Reports Recherches and AI: Dont let buy you Hoax Mindgames, call these xr goggles, mnemnonic symbol xr goggles, imagine it like xr brain holodeck mixcascades fake perception call scheme f and remember its ususaly xr goggle hoaxes, most isnt probably your natural bodyfeedback and natural neurosignal mindfields of perception and awareness, be happy u have a positive godlike red chord you can overal follow, recover and overall be light hearted. learn the art of effortless being and the art of how to give a fck, fake perception can be interface with fake perception senses as layers instead of a eg. computer screen or audio, it can fake impression of habtics and preasure also, any natural physiological, but also synthesised fake perception samples being broadcast onto. look, in an integer world, being u good, makes it hard to break it by doing u plausible stupidity openly eg. on streets, the so called by the internet labeled "street theatre" is a audio 3d visual chat bot mixcascades, remem, most ppl was good and in no normal streets such habbits emerge, but this technology as a and from a weapon perspective, tries to trick the mind by plausible deniability, but its usualy just computed bcni fake perception fake thoughts and fake impressions broadcast into your brain mindfields. it can be schizophrenia often too, especially inherited as many experts say, but in cases, it is remote neural monitoring and studies on psychotronics sadly also from unethical perspectives, imorale, stupid, bitter and painfull, to demoralize the enemy in wars without blood was an aim of the makers of this science, Happy is who Spreads Peace!
but the fields of interest span many worlds dimesions., desires, destiny. but fake perception layers being broadcast onto, your not really wounded physically but it can feel and look so, dont buy it, ignore it, keep calm, you dont need do anything, in fact, denial of response is effective mind way to scope this. Scheme F and MnemnonicSymbol Tagging to Index, all is recorded, Multichannel, Synthesised and Multiplexed RNM Recordings recorded whole Brain Sensing. It was like throwing Switches but with eg. Samples of Feelings, Heads High and be Strong, grow into awarenes and Enlightenment, don`t Rage Quit, nor Violence and not let Rude be you, it would eat your integrity and you can stand on truth trust and love. Even hard Distortions and library fake persona percpetion filters dont remain when its switched off, so its "only" temporar, try mnmenonic symbol index moments of wellbeing, when they mix it with their mental weapon fake synthesised fake thought fake perception makros, call that maybe something like Meta Messaging bridingin or fake bridging scheme f, they can mix layers of meanings perceived to word and signs and information not the natural, aware that and ignore it, take anti axiety pill and cofein, listen to experts, get insurance and document, try measure it thats a topic besides psychologists, the physicians, lets have it good pls, heaven. Let`s use this in fact paradime shifting capable key-future Technology be good for coop dreamscapes XR health and medizine, Education, Experience Sharing and Mindgaming, but all that, without interrogation as of a weapon. Heads up! You are not alone, lets aware, legislate, justice, protect and benefit for life. Paradigme Mind XR Scapes and XR Coop Dreamscapes BCNI. Godspell Godspeed!
Happy is who Spreads Peace!